How to Play Spotify Songs on Amazon Echo by Alexa

With the rise of smart home devices, music streaming services have become more convenient and accessible than ever before. One popular combination is using Spotify songs on an Amazon Echo through Alexa voice commands. This allows you to enjoy your favorite music hands-free and control it with just your voice. In this article, we will walk you through the steps on how to play Spotify songs on your Amazon Echo by using Alexa.

Setting Up Your Amazon Echo and Spotify Account

Before you can start playing your favorite Spotify songs on your Amazon Echo, you need to make sure that both devices are properly set up and connected. Here’s how:

1. Setting Up Your Amazon Echo

To set up your Amazon Echo, simply follow these steps:

  • Plug in your Amazon Echo and wait for it to power on.
  • Download and open the Amazon Alexa app on your smartphone or tablet.
  • Set up your Amazon Echo by following the instructions on the app.
  • Connect your Amazon Echo to your Wi-Fi network.
  • Once connected, your Amazon Echo is ready to use.

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2. Connecting Your Spotify Account to Amazon Echo

To connect your Spotify account to your Amazon Echo, follow these steps:

  • Open the Amazon Alexa app on your smartphone or tablet.
  • Go to the Menu and select Settings.
  • Select Music & Podcasts.
  • Under the Manage Services section, select Spotify.
  • Log in to your Spotify account.
  • Once connected, you can now start playing Spotify songs on your Amazon Echo using Alexa voice commands.

Playing Spotify Songs on Amazon Echo Using Alexa

Once your Amazon Echo and Spotify account are set up and connected, you can start playing your favorite Spotify songs by using simple voice commands. Here’s how:

1. Using Voice Commands to Play Specific Songs

If you want to play a specific song on your Amazon Echo, simply say “Alexa, play [song name] by [artist name] on Spotify.” Alexa will then search for the song and start playing it.

2. Using Voice Commands to Play Songs from a Specific Artist

To play songs from a specific artist, simply say “Alexa, play songs by [artist name] on Spotify.” Alexa will then play a playlist of songs from that particular artist.

3. Creating and Adding Songs to Your Spotify Playlist

You can also use Alexa to create and add songs to your Spotify playlist. Simply say “Alexa, add this song to my Spotify playlist” to add the currently playing song to your Spotify playlist. You can also specify which playlist you want to add the song to by saying “Alexa, add this song to my playlist on Spotify.


Can I use voice commands to control the playback of my Spotify songs on Amazon Echo?

Yes, you can use voice commands to play, pause, skip, or go back to previous songs on your Amazon Echo while playing Spotify songs.

Can I access my Spotify playlists on Amazon Echo using Alexa?

Yes, once you have connected your Spotify account to Amazon Echo, you can access all your Spotify playlists through Alexa voice commands.

Is there a limit to the number of songs I can add to my Spotify playlist using Alexa?

No, there is no limit to the number of songs you can add to your Spotify playlist using Alexa.

Can I change the default music streaming service on my Amazon Echo to Spotify?

Yes, you can change the default music streaming service on your Amazon Echo to Spotify by following the steps in the Settings menu of the Amazon Alexa app.

Can I use Alexa to play Spotify songs on multiple Amazon Echo devices in my home?

Yes, you can use Alexa to play Spotify songs on multiple Amazon Echo devices as long as they are all connected to the same Wi-Fi network and have the same Spotify account linked.


Playing your favorite Spotify songs on your Amazon Echo with the help of Alexa voice commands is a convenient and hands-free way to enjoy music in your home. With just a few simple steps, you can set up your devices and start playing your desired songs or creating playlists with ease. So go ahead and try it out for yourself and experience the seamless integration of two popular technologies.

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