How to Transfer Spotify to SoundCloud

Are you tired of constantly switching between music streaming platforms? Do you have a carefully curated playlist on Spotify that you want to share on SoundCloud? Look no further, as we have the ultimate guide on how to transfer your beloved Spotify playlists to SoundCloud. Whether you’re a music enthusiast or an aspiring artist, this article will provide you with all the necessary steps to make the transfer process seamless and hassle-free. So let’s dive in!

Understanding Spotify and SoundCloud

Before we delve into the transfer process, it’s essential to understand what makes Spotify and SoundCloud unique.


Spotify is one of the most popular music streaming platforms globally, with over 345 million active users. It offers a vast library of songs, podcasts, and audiobooks, making it a preferred choice for many music lovers. It also has features like curated playlists, personalized recommendations, and the ability to follow artists and friends, making it a social platform for music discovery.


SoundCloud, on the other hand, is more focused on upcoming and independent artists. It provides a platform for them to upload and share their music, making it an excellent place for discovering new and undiscovered talents. It also has features like commenting and reposting, allowing for direct communication between artists and listeners.

Now that you have a basic understanding of both platforms, let’s look at how you can transfer your Spotify playlist to SoundCloud.

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Method 1: Using Soundiiz

The first method we’ll be discussing is using a third-party tool called Soundiiz. It’s a popular music management platform that allows you to transfer playlists between different streaming services, including Spotify and SoundCloud. Follow the steps below to transfer your playlist:

Step 1: Create a Soundiiz account and connect your Spotify and SoundCloud accounts.

To use Soundiiz, you’ll need to create an account on their website. Once you’ve signed up, go to the “Platforms” tab and connect your Spotify and SoundCloud accounts.

Step 2: Select the playlist you want to transfer.

In the “Playlists” tab, select the playlist you wish to transfer from Spotify to SoundCloud.

Step 3: Click on “Convert tools” and choose “Spotify to SoundCloud.”

Once you’ve selected your playlist, click on “Convert tools” at the top of the page and choose “Spotify to SoundCloud” from the list of available converters.

Step 4: Review and customize your conversion settings.

Before starting the transfer process, you can review and customize your conversion settings. This includes choosing the order in which the songs will be transferred, whether to include the album cover or not, and if you want to replace existing tracks on SoundCloud.

Step 5: Start the transfer process.

After reviewing your settings, click on “Confirm conversion” to start the transfer process. The time it takes for the transfer to complete will depend on the number of songs in your playlist.

And voilà! Your Spotify playlist will now be available on your SoundCloud account.

Method 2: Using TuneMyMusic

TuneMyMusic is another third-party tool that allows you to transfer playlists between different streaming services, including Spotify and SoundCloud. It’s a straightforward method, and the steps are quite similar to using Soundiiz.

Step 1: Go to TuneMyMusic’s website and click on “Let’s Start.”

On TuneMyMusic’s homepage, click on “Let’s Start” to begin the process.

Step 2: Connect your Spotify and SoundCloud accounts.

Follow the prompts to connect your Spotify and SoundCloud accounts.

Step 3: Select the playlist you want to transfer.

In the “Select source” section, choose Spotify and then select the playlist you wish to transfer.

Step 4: Select SoundCloud as the destination.

In the “Select destination” section, choose SoundCloud as the streaming service you wish to transfer your playlist to.

Step 5: Start the transfer process.

Click on “Start moving my music” to begin the transfer process. Once it’s completed, you’ll receive a notification, and your playlist will be available on your SoundCloud account.


Can I transfer multiple playlists at once using these methods?

Yes, both Soundiiz and TuneMyMusic allow you to transfer multiple playlists at once. However, note that some features may not be available for bulk transfers.

Will my playlist be transferred with all the songs intact?

Yes, both methods ensure that all songs in your playlist are transferred without any issues. However, due to licensing restrictions, some songs may not be available on SoundCloud.

Are there any other third-party tools I can use for transferring my Spotify playlists to SoundCloud?

Yes, there are other tools like MusConv and Sounds good that you can also use for playlist transfers.

Will my playlist automatically update on SoundCloud if I make changes on Spotify?

No, the playlist transfer is a one-time process, and any changes made on Spotify will not reflect on SoundCloud unless you transfer the playlist again.

Can I transfer my liked songs or Discover Weekly from Spotify to SoundCloud?

No, these methods only allow for the transfer of playlists, not individual songs or recommendations.


Transferring your favorite Spotify playlists to SoundCloud has never been easier! With the help of third-party tools like Soundiiz and TuneMyMusic, you can seamlessly transfer your carefully curated playlists to SoundCloud and continue enjoying your favorite songs. It’s a great way to expand your music library and connect with artists on a different platform. So go ahead and give it a try!

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